Category: Books

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Sandkings – A collection of short stories by George R.R. Martin

If you follow many of the posts on Pixelated Geek (and, you know, own a computer and have access to the internet) you’re probably already aware that the new season of Game of Thrones starts on April 6. Obviously that means the Tumblr posts, plot speculations, and the rivalry between fans of the TV series

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Hounded And Hexed (The Iron Druid Chronicles #1 & #2)

Hounded: In the first book of the Iron Druid Chronicles we are introduced to our main character, Atticus O’Sullivan, a hot ginger druid who carries a massive sword around, (no no, it’s literally a sword, people!) a magical sword named Fragarach which is how our hero falls into a whole mess of trouble. Oh yeah, did

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Review: Three short reads

Huge, epic books are fun, but sometimes it’s nice to grab a short book off the shelf. One can try something new, or return to a familiar world, without the long-term commitment of some of those frighteningly giant, phonebook-sized novels. (I’m looking at you, The Stand. And you, Atlas Shrugged.) With that in mind I

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Shadows from Norwood banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Shadows From Norwood

Crazy people aren’t crazy all the time, you just have to know how to handle them. I’ve spent worse evenings. I don’t think I’ve spent weirder ones. I was a little confused at first when I found Shadows From Norwood in the science fiction section, since it’s very obviously horror. And like a lot of

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Review: A Red Sun Also Rises

I’ve heard it said that the problem with writing science-fiction mysteries is that you have aliens or devices that don’t conform to all the rules of our world, but there still has to be a strong internal logic to the story. Otherwise the mystery doesn’t make sense; there isn’t a puzzle that can be revealed

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Wool Header

Review: Wool

I heard the other day that Ridley Scott will soon begin casting for Wool, the movie based on Hugh Howey’s epic post-apocalyptic novel. That was my cue to finally read the book. I’m happy to say the book stands up to a lot of the hype I’ve been hearing. Other than maybe needing a tighter

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Elizabeth’s Top Five Books of 2013

When I look at all the science-fiction/fantasy books published in 2013, I tend to shake my fist at the bookshelves: there’s not enough hours in the day! I want to read all the books! I barely scratched the surface! Out of all the books I did read that were published in 2013, the following five

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The Twelve Days (Years?) of Books

This got started when I wondered if you could do a “Twelve Days of Christmas” list with books and graphic novels. Turns out you can, if you play a little fast and loose with the rules. Here then is a list of some of my favorite books and series, in case you were looking for

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Review: Lexicon by Max Barry

Lexicon is, for me, one of those books where it’s past midnight and you think “Okay, I really need to get some sleep, I need to put the book down right now. So I will read one more chapter, and that’s it.” And four chapters later you think “Okay, maybe I’ll just have an extra

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