SDCC 2020 – Genesis II and GenSeven Comics Live Streams and New Titles
Visit Genesis II and GenSeven Comics at the SDCC@HOME 2020 Online Convention, Booth #835 from July 22 to 26.
Visit Genesis II and GenSeven Comics at the SDCC@HOME 2020 Online Convention, Booth #835 from July 22 to 26.
And what is more important than the purity of my own spark? …right? After three months, (since the last issue, though it’s been almost four months since we saw this particular character) we’re picking up where we left off. Sort of. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #7.
“You know I once wasted three hours of a psychiatrist’s time describing what kind of bats I didn’t see in the Rorschach tests?” “Sounds fun.” “It’s Arkham, you make your own fun.” Stjepan Šejić has a new Harley issue out and I’m just finding out now? Bad nerd! No cookie! Check out the (very tiny)
“Hey, Draculas! We’re over here!” “Chuck, I’m going to murder you.” After a six month hiatus, Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans are back! Keep reading for a review of Die #11.
“You called her “Green”?” “What’s wrong with that? She is green.” After three long months we finally have another issue of Transformers! My heartfelt thanks and admiration to everyone who made this happen in the middle of the clusterf*ck that 2020 has become. Keep reading for a review of Transformers #20.
“…in my vast experience, anybody who says they’ve got everything under control… …is full of it.” We’re six issues in on a series about a woman who used to be a cop until she reported her coworkers for police brutality, and now she’s a Green Lantern on a planet who’s police force just opened fire
The voice of Batman reading to us? Live? For free? See below for the official info from DC: tomorrow, Thursday April 9, on the DC instagram feed, Kevin Conroy is going to read the first chapter Batman: The Adventures Continue, live!
“I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR ANY TABOOS I’VE VIOLATED!” I fell behind on my reviews last week because, uh, time has no meaning? I know, excuses excuses. After the announcements by Diamond Comics and IDW, this may be the last Transformers book we get for a little while. Luckily for us it’s the final issue of
Buy a Gift Card at Your LCS, and Vault Will Send You Free Advance Copies of HEAVY #1 and HUNDRED WOLVES #1, Months in Advance In order to support local comic shop retailers in these trying times, Vault Comics has announced their LCS Gift Card Initiative. It’s simple: readers who purchase gift cards from their local