Review – Far Sector #3
“Do you play?” “I’d rather play “How long have you been breaking the law you brought me here to enforce?” Keep reading for a review of Far Sector #3.
“Do you play?” “I’d rather play “How long have you been breaking the law you brought me here to enforce?” Keep reading for a review of Far Sector #3.
It’s been a pretty chaotic year, what with family medical emergencies and other craziness (said other craziness being…more family medical emergencies), so I’m pretty happy to see the last of 2019. One good thing that 2019 did have was some fantastic books. Click the jump for a rundown of the five best (“best” here meaning
As always, one of my favorite “problems” is that there’s way too much amazing comic book talent out there to see all of it in one year. Bearing that in mind, here’s my 2019 top 14 favorite artists, in no particular order, out of the comics I actually got to read.
“I told you to keep your maniacs under control.” “…you’ll know it if I have to let the real maniacs out. Bots like Triggerhappy get noticed.“ Keep reading for a review of Transformers #15 (2019).
…in the end, I gravitated to the one person who actually seemed to need me… Keep reading for a review of Harleen #3.
This sector is home to the City Enduring, a metropolis of twenty billion citizens, which had just had its first murder in five centuries. And my murderer? Just got murdered. Keep reading for a review of Far Sector #2.
Then I remembered. The memory hit me so hard I didn’t even scream. Not then anyway. The second arc comes to a close: keep reading for some thoughts on Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans’ Die #10.
…the gestalt’s diagnostic scans, the history, Hook being Hook – all signs pointed to failure. Catastrophe and failure. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #3.
“I’d like to show you something, Lantern Mullein…” “Show me what?” “Later. When we can speak more freely.” “Oh, that’s not ominous.” Keep reading for a review of N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell’s Far Sector #1.