Category: Comic Books

Comic Books

Review – Catwoman #7 and The Batman Who Laughs #2

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to keep on top of my comic book reading (I know I know, it should be “eat more vegetables” and “take that Javascript class” but I like resolutions I know I’ll keep) so this week I’m doubling up: see below for a review of Catwoman #7 and The

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Comic Books
Leland Pierce

Best Comic Books of 2018

As many readers and listeners know I manage a comic book store. So, I read a lot of comics throughout the year. And most are pretty darn good, but sometimes I come across a comic series that is so good I have to talk about it. Here are 10 great comics from this past year

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Comic Books

Review – Die #2

Now that we’re solidly into 2019 I’ve started a new list: comics I should’ve been reading in 2018 and am now kicking myself for waiting so long. Some of them are practically finished already (I’m looking at you, The Magic Order) but luckily the first series on my list only started in December, so I

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Best of 2018
Kathryn Adams

The Best Books of 2018

2018 was a year that produced a staggering number of excellent books. Some of them were by my usual favorite authors, and some were by authors I only recently discovered. The good news is that I always had plenty to choose from whenever I needed something new to read. The bad news is that there

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Comic Books

Favorite Comic Book Artists of 2018

I know without a doubt that this list is probably missing some amazing names: one of my favorite “problems” is that there’s way too much talent out there to see all of it in one year. Bearing that in mind, this is a list of the artists, in no particular order, that caught my eye

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Comic Books

Details about IDW’s Transformers Relaunch Announced!

The Binary System Podcast has been wondering for weeks (months?) when we’d get details on the Transformers reboot over at IDW: who’s drawing it, writing it, what’s it going to focus on, when will we get it? And we finally have an announcement! See below for the PR story that came out today. We’re hoping

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Comic Books

Review – The Batman Who Laughs #1

You knew he was too interesting for just one crossover event… This week DC brings back the big bad from Dark Nights Metal. Keep reading for a review of The Batman Who Laughs #1.

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Comic Books

Review – Optimus Prime #25

It’s finally here: the final issue of IDW’s Transformers (this current incarnation anyway, the reboot is scheduled for next year sometime.) I can’t really talk about the issue without spoilers, so if you haven’t read it yet you might want to go read the issue first. (And you should read it even if you don’t

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