Category: Comic Books

The Best Books of 2017

Once again I’m running into the problem that readers love to have: too many fantastic books from last year to fit into a short top-three list. Click the jump for a list of the ten best (and by “best” I mean “favorite”) from 2017.  

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Comic Books

Favorite Comic Book Artists of 2017

2017 was certainly an…interesting year, I think we can all agree on that one. But one of the bright spots was all the amazing art that came out of the comic book world. Here then, in no particular order, is a baker’s dozen of our favorite artists of 2017.

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #12

Even Getaway’s most loyal supporters are realizing he’s not a born leader who’s willing to make the hard choices, he’s a sub-intelligent sadist with delusions of grandeur. See below for a (mostly) spoiler-free review of Lost Light #12.

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Review – Till All Are One Annual 2017 (series finale)

I’ve been waiting for this one for months, and at the same time I hoped it’d never get here: the final issue of Till All Are One. In many ways the story ended the way I thought it might, but it got there by a really unexpected route. See below for a (spoiler-free!) (mostly!) review

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #11

At long last, this issue we get the answer to the question that’s bugged me for months: how the hell did Getaway convince Blaster and Perceptor to turn into filthy mutineers? I can buy it from some obscure, background-filler, appeared-47-issues-ago-so-I’ve-forgotten-their-name-SORRY, but Perceptor? Blaster?? And the reason is both slightly unsatisfying and completely believable. And I

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Review – Behind You: One-Shot Horror Stories

“It’s so funny to discover you’re made of meat and at any moment the world might take a bite. Our species comes wired with a great sense of humor. It’s one of our best traits.” – From the introduction by Joe Hill Brian Coldrick’s Behind You (collecting many of the images from his web series) is

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Review – Aquaman #29

Three teams of heroes come closer to meeting in the middle, and it’s all setting the stage for the next landmark issue. Keep reading for a review of Aquaman #29.

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #10

I’ve spent months wanting to punch Getaway and all his stupid mutineers in the mouth: Autobots just don’t turn on Autobots, not to this scale they don’t. I was surprised at how betrayed I felt by the whole thing. Having read this issue, I have some insight. And I’m still completely baffled. And I still

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