Category: Comic Books

Comic Books

Review – Frostbite #1

The world is buried under ice and what’s left of humanity struggles to survive. The rich have their artificial suns and the poor tear each other apart for a few minutes of warmth. But hey, it could be worse, right? Of course it could. Click the jump for preview pages and a review of Vertigo’s

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Review: Transformers More Than Meets The Eye #57

It’s here: in case you missed the announcement this summer, this week is the final, very last issue of Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye. And if you totally missed that announcement and are currently having a heart attack, you’ll be happy to hear that the book is being rebranded as Transformers: Lost Light starting in

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Review: Doctor Strange – Strange Origin

Are you ready for the Doctor Strange movie in November? Are you? ‘CAUSE I SURE AM.  While we wait, I decided to check out the Doctor Strange: Strange Origin graphic novel that Marvel released this month. Although when you get right down to it, 99% of this is a re-release since it’s a repackaging of Greg Pak and Emma Rios’s Doctor

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Review -Transformers – Till All Are One #4

A heck of a lot of major plot lines are wrapped up in this month’s issue. I could dance around the details but I really want to talk about this, so fair warning: I’m gonna spoil all the things. Click the jump for preview pages and a review of Transformers – Till All Are One

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Comic Books

Review: Gotham Academy – Second Semester #1

Gotham Academy is back for a new school year, and things are starting out a little on the mysterious and dangerous side. So, about what you’d expect. Click the jump for preview pages and a review of Gotham Academy: Second Semester #1.

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