SDCC 2019 Photo Gallery #9 – Friday
Next up in our SDCC Photo Round up is a look at Friday! Let us know if you spot yourself or someone you know so we can tag you!
Next up in our SDCC Photo Round up is a look at Friday! Let us know if you spot yourself or someone you know so we can tag you!
A week later, and it feels like Comic-Con was just yesterday. I had so much fun this year & took a ton of photos! Here’s what I saw Preview Night! Click the jump! Enjoy!
This fall Star Trek fans will be treated to one of the most amazing shows to grace our screens, Star Trek: Picard, the return of everyone’s fan favorite Enterprise captain, Jean-Luc Picard. After 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis many, most…all fans felt this was the biggest let down of a Star Trek film. Especially being it
Yes we’ve already posted one gallery of the Sideshow Collectibles booth at SDCC, but those were Leland’s photos, now we have to post mine! I’m not addicted I can stop any time I want!
While the BBC didn’t have a Doctor Who panel, the fans had one of their own: on Friday at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Time Travels (UN)LTD presented the “Classic vs Modern Doctor Who” panel, followed by a photo shoot organized by the Order of Gallifrey!
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! We’ve got a slightly longer episode this week, since there was a slightly big event going on in California last week. You may have heard about it…San Diego ComicCon 2019, which also happened to be the big convention’s 50th anniversary! Elizabeth
Next up in our SDCC Photo Round up is a look at Thursday! Let us know if you spot yourself or someone you know so we can tag you!
If you’ve ever been to SDCC then you’ve seen the amazing Sideshow Collectibles section. Where they dominate a whole area of the floor showing off their amazing new statures and collections. And this year was no exception. Just one more amazing SDCC for Sideshow.
I had a chance to try out the VR Game “Doctor Who – The Edge of Time” at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Kiron Ramdewar of Playstack London got me set up for the demo, and I got to chat with him and Chris Rosario of Homerun PR afterwards. Keep reading for the teaser trailer,