Category: Reviews

Leland Pierce

Movie Issues: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

After two years of waiting Zach Snyder’s long awaited movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has been released. The movie is set to break records, usher in the DC Comics Cinematic Film Universe, and after much debate we finally get to see who would win in the ultimate battle between The Dark Knight and

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Review: Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits

You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you sometimes can by its title: Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits tells you almost everything you need to know. It’s over-the-top, ultra-violent, often ridiculous, and very, very fun.

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Review: The Queen’s Poisoner

Jeff Wheeler (author of almost two dozen fantasy books including the Mirrowen trilogy and the Muirwood series) is set to release his latest book on April 1, the start of a brand new trilogy: the Kingfountain Series. A different kingdom in a different world, and a different direction for the successful fantasy author; this will be the

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Review: The Ballad of Black Tom

To H.P. Lovecraft, with all my conflicted feelings. The setting is 1920’s New York, in the busy neighborhood of Harlem and the nearby port neighborhood of Red Hook. A good-hearted hustler is drawn into the schemes of the wealthy and eccentric Robert Suydam, who’s plotting to raise an ancient horror from the deeps. The Ballad

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Review: Transformers More Than Meets The Eye #50

The Dying of the Light – Part 1! Since joining the Lost Light, Megatron has rejected everything that once made him the most feared and hated Cybertronian of all time. But penitence has a price, and before the ex-Decepticon can find true redemption he must first confront his darkest legacy—the Decepticon Justice Division. Click the jump

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Review: Lucifer

I was going to rant for a bit about all the ways that the Lucifer TV series is different from the source material (originally from Neil Gaiman, and then spun off very capably by Mike Carey), but I’ve decided that’s not a very productive discussion. There’s no point to making a carbon copy of the original stories

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Review: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Tina Fey’s new movie Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is based on The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the memoir by American international journalist Kim Barker about her experiences in Pakistan and Afghanistan. We follow Kim Barker as she arrives in Kabul, knowing nothing of the world outside of America. We see her stories about Islamic militants and

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Review: Zootopia

For Disney’s 55th animated feature film instead of going back to their roots with a fantasy full of royals, sidekicks, villains and songs, they decided to try something completely different: Zootopia. In a city of anthropomorphic animals, living like people, a fugitive con artist fox, Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), and a rookie bunny cop, Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin),

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Review: Dawn – Book One of Octavia E. Butler’s Xenogenesis Trilogy

I don’t know why it’s taken me this long to read one of Octavia E. Butler’s novels, but I’m glad I finally chose this one to start with. The woman was an icon of science-fiction, winning four Nebula Awards, two Hugo awards, and was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame posthumously, so I

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