Category: Reviews

50 Shades
Movie Issues
Guest Writer

Review: 50 Shades of Grey

Guest Writer: Sara Winchester There have been few book series that have risen to a worldwide phenomenon since the Twilight series, so it’s appropriate that its successor also started its life trying to be part of the Twilight obsession. 50 Shades of Grey, a nationwide bestseller, started its life as a Twilight fan-fiction. If you

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Movie Issues: Kingsman: The Secret Service

With Kingsman: The Secret Service, director Matthew Vaughn (Stardust, Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class) again proves that he is one of the best directors of the last decade. Taking the graphic novel, The Secret Service by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons, and turning it into one hell of a “balls-to-the-walls” action flick that, from start

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Trigger Warning – Short Fictions and Disturbances

I remember Icarus. He flew too close to the sun. In the stories, though, it’s worth it. Always worth it to have tried, even if you fail, even if you fall like a meteor forever. Better to have flamed in the darkness, to have inspired others, to have lived, than to have sat in the darkness, cursing

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Review: Jupiter Ascending

Well, the Wachowskis are at it again. Their latest attempt at another science fiction odyssey is called Jupiter Ascending. They appear to still be riding on the coattails of their only hit, 1999’s The Matrix. Since then it feels like, about every three or four years, they come out of the shadows and try to

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Review: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

I’ve decided that, as a fan of the steampunk genre, it’s a shame and a crime that I haven’t read more Jules Verne. As a fan of Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series, not reading the original tale of Captain Nemo is just unacceptable. A classic science fiction story along the lines of Journey To The Center of the

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Andrew Plein

Song of the Sea Review: A Journey to the World of Old

The ocean is never still and neither is life. As I get older in my lifetime I’m beginning to accept that change is going to be a constant in this world. The world of animation is currently going through a changing of the guards, as fabled director Hayo Miyazaki retires. Those are some rather large

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Review: Agatha H and the Airship City

Phil and Kaja Foglio’s gaslamp fantasy series Girl Genius is set in a world of automatons and dirigibles, tyrants and heroes, and stories of the famous adventurers, The Heterodyne Boys. It’s a world where a small portion of the population are Sparks, geniuses born with the ability to invent death rays and revenants and robots capable of leveling cities, but

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Andrew Plein

Review – Song of the Sea: Soundtrack

If you asked me what genre of music I listen to the most, there would be a quick thought and an almost instant response: soundtracks. They make up part of my rather eclectic taste in music. For me, soundtracks are one of the most important part to any movie. Which brings me to the upcoming

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Review: The End is Now

John Joseph Adams and Hugh Howey’s The Apocalypse Triptych is a trilogy of short-story collections, each one set at a different stage of the end of the world. In the second book in the series, The End is Now, we take you to Doomsday already in progress. Twenty stories telling all the different ways that everything is coming

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