Category: Reviews

Review: Evolution’s Darling

Scott Westerfeld is one of the kings of Young Adult books. He’s written four different series; “Midnighters”, “Peeps”, “Leviathan”, and the hugely popular 4-book saga “Uglies”. And I’ve read exactly…none of them. Yes, I know that’s a big oversight, especially since Westerfeld spent about four years at the top of my list of favorite authors. The Magazine of Fantasy

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intous pro h
Guest Writer

Tech Review – Wacom Intous Pro

by Caleb Cleveland Along with Wacom‘s rebranding of the Intuos line of digitizing tablets for enthusiasts or hobbyists (replacing their Bamboo line), they created the more up-market Intuos Pro line, intended for professional use. Judging from the mid-size tablet I’m reviewing, the Pros are all sturdy and sleek with a black matte finish, and can

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Review: Fable Anniversary – Xbox 360

We all have those special memories: moments in our lives that really changed our outlook. Sometimes for us gamers, it’s a particular game, and for me it was having my eyes open to Western RPGs. I had just purchased the gigantic original Xbox and was looking for something other then Halo 2 to play. I

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Andrew Plein

Tech Review: ShoulderPod

At each convention we attend I watch as the video recording devices get smaller and smaller, as more and more people realize that mobile video is here to stay. Well it just makes sense. There is just one problem, though, that the avid iPhone film maker faces; holding one’s iPhone sideways can lead to a little

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James Huneycutt

[Review] Watch_Dogs

Ubisoft is a class act as a whole, with a portfolio full of blockbusters, fan-favorites, and a decided lack of shovel-ware.  Ubisoft Montreal has a similarly positive reputation, responsible for many of its parent companies greatest triumphs – Splinter Cell (and it’s superlative sequel, Chaos Theory), Rainbow Six: Vegas I & II, the Prince of

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Solaris

Human beings set out to encounter other worlds, other civilizations, without having fully gotten to know their own hidden recesses, their blind alleys, well shafts, dark barricaded doors. Stanislaw Lem is one of those authors who’s name has been floating around in my “must read” list for way too long. The only one of his works

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Review: 22 Jump Street

The boys of 21 Jump Street are back, bigger and better than before. Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill and the talented directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are all back and headed to 22 Jump Street. This time around our favorite undercover cops from the Jump Street program, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are

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Review: The Golem and the Jinni

Two immigrants end up in 1890s New York: a shy and terribly inexperienced woman, and an egotistical and just as out-of-his-depth man. They find friends, and their footing, and then each other, and spend a long time figuring out who to trust. It’s a pretty familiar story. What sets this book apart is that the

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Review: Timebound (The Chronos Files #1)

I’m a big Doctor Who fan, and that’s either caused by, or the cause of, how much I enjoy time travel stories. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, I love the games that writers can play with time travel, messing around with history, jumping forward and backward (sometimes by just a few minutes) trying to keep someone from taking just the wrong action at

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