Category: Reviews

Dark Horse Presents #32 (but mostly Reilly Brown)

While there are several fun stories in Dark Horse Presents issue #32, available January 15, the story that caught my eye, the one I fell in love with, is Fred Van Lente and Reilly Brown’s “Saint George Dragonslayer: Part Three.” The art in those eight pages is worth the price of the whole book.

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Wool Header

Review: Wool

I heard the other day that Ridley Scott will soon begin casting for Wool, the movie based on Hugh Howey’s epic post-apocalyptic novel. That was my cue to finally read the book. I’m happy to say the book stands up to a lot of the hype I’ve been hearing. Other than maybe needing a tighter

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Elizabeth’s Top Five Books of 2013

When I look at all the science-fiction/fantasy books published in 2013, I tend to shake my fist at the bookshelves: there’s not enough hours in the day! I want to read all the books! I barely scratched the surface! Out of all the books I did read that were published in 2013, the following five

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Comic Books

Review: Empowered Volume 8

After almost a year and a half of waiting I finally got my hands on Empowered Volume 8, the newest book in Adam Warren’s “sexy superheroine” series. To tide us over during that time, Warren gave us several stand-alone issues, written by himself and illustrated by various guest artists. I enjoyed those, and my only

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Movie Issues: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Ben Stiller directs and stars as Walter Mitty a daydreamer who escapes his boring life by disappearing into his own world of fantasies filled with heroism, romance and action. He works for Life magazine and with the world changing to digital and print media becoming a thing of

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Movie Issues: Grudge Match

In the new sports comedy movie, Grudge Match, staring Robert De Niro and Sylvester Stallone as aging boxers who step back into the ring for one last bout 30 years after their last match. Directed by Peter Segal (Get Smart, 50 First Dates), takes these two acting icons that previously have had successful boxing films,

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Review: Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

San Diego fictional icon Ron Burgundy is back as his infamous legend continues this week in Anchorman 2. With his news crew of misfits and rejects, Burgundy travels to the Big City circa 1980 to take on 24hr news, and himself since he’s probably the worst person in the movie. Neglectful, racially insensitive, sexist, ignorant,

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Movie Issues
Leland Pierce

Movie Issues: American Hustle

American Hustle is the new film written and directed by David O. Russell (The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook) where he takes his favorite actors and places them in a long con game where everyone who plays could lose everything. A con man, Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale), along with his amateur grafter girlfriend Sydney (Amy

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The Twelve Days (Years?) of Books

This got started when I wondered if you could do a “Twelve Days of Christmas” list with books and graphic novels. Turns out you can, if you play a little fast and loose with the rules. Here then is a list of some of my favorite books and series, in case you were looking for

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