Category: Reviews

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James Trauben

Focus Home Interactive and Dancing Dots Showcase Rotastic

“Platforming without platforms,” is how Martial Hesse-Dréville, managing director, describes Rotastic, an upcoming title produced by his Dancing Dots Studio and Focus Home Interactive. Rotastic is a game about spinning. Lots of spinning. Its whimsical medieval characters whirl from pegs like living (and, in one case, undead) yo-yos, vaulting to and fro to pluck gems

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James Trauben

Samurai Bloodshow Joins Sega iOS

Samurai Bloodshow, a twelfth-century-Japan-themed tower defense/trading card game, joins the Sega iOS lineup today in the United States. Inspired by the historical conflict between the Taira and Minamoto clans in medieval Japan and rendered in a distinctive style reminiscent of medieval Japanese scrollwork, Samurai Bloodshow has the player arraying forces of samurai and other warriors

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Darran Caldemeyer

Out of Character Reviews: The Inner Sea World Guide

The vision of an entire role-playing company can rest in the hands of their published campaign setting.  With the release of Pathfinders hardcover Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide, I’ve reviewed this product on our Comic Issues YouTube channel. I’ll also be discussing what this book has to offer in regards to Paizo’s conceptual

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James Trauben

Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned is a paradox. It’s the product of three acclaimed creators each considered a master of their respective craft mimicking the same sort of B-movie many professional filmmakers (aside from Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, of course) scorn. It’s crude, lewd, sophomoric, and — most damningly — not nearly as action-packed as

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Gotham City Impostors Trailer

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment released a new trailer for the forthcoming download-only, multiplayer first-person shooter, Gotham City Impostors. The game uniquely allows players to customize their own toons and impersonate their favorite heroes or villains. The game also includes exotic customization options which allow you to choose from bizarre costumes, unique gadgets, and well-known and creative weapons. Gotham

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Ms Splosion Man
Raul Valle

[Review] Ms. ‘Splosion Man (XBLA)

It seems whenever Twisted Pixel comes up, I have nothing but good things to say. Then again, given its small repertoire of quirky, challenging, and, most importantly, fun titles on the Xbox LIVE Arcade, it’s really hard to find fault. Thankfully, with the recent release of Ms. ‘Splosion Man, the company’s reputation is not about

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Starcraft Universe Releases First Full Trailer

Starcraft Universe, the fan-made massive-multiplayer-online project, released its first full-length trailer today, featuring raid footage from the current build. The brand-new trailer will feature gameplay footage of the first “raid” in Starcraft Universe, and will be available here, on the project’s YouTube account, and on their brand-new site.

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duke nukem forever Logo
Jess Brohard

[Review] Duke Nukem Forever

I’ve spent a lot of time around the Frag Dolls and their supporters, a very intelligent and though-provoking group. And as I idled in IRC before beginning Duke Nukem Forever for myself, I noticed a recurring theme in their discussions of it: the blatant sexism, the “rape monster,” as one put it, and other elements

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Comic Books
Leland Pierce

New Costumes in DC’s Relaunch Good or Bad?

With the recent announcement of the DC Relaunch lots and lots of information has smacked us in the face. Like who’s who? What’s happening to “such and such”? Where is my favorite character going? And what the hell are they now wearing? I thought I’d take the time to spotlight some of the more bizarre

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