Category: Reviews

e3 2011 nyko
Jess Brohard

Nyko Power Pak+ – Extended Battery for 3DS [Gadget Review]

One of the main complaints consumers have had about the 3DS is its disappointing battery life – luckily, Nyko was waiting in the background with an oft-unnoticed solution, the PowerPak+. The PowerPak+ is a battery pack for the 3DS that charges using the 3DS’s charging cable, and claims to double the handheld’s life. This accessory

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Nelson Abalos

PowerSkin® – iPhone 4 Silicon Case with Built-In Battery [Gadget Review]

Sir Patrick Stewart says his smartphone is “an extension of who I am,” and he’s not unusual for folks on the go these days. Without it, a mobile worker bee might not get as much business done. Smart phone cases with built-in battery chargers were invented for this very reason, and PowerSkin’s case will give

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nuu minikey
Nelson Abalos

Nuu MiniKey – iPhone 4 Slide Out Keypad [Gadget Review]

When Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone, many people were skeptical about the on-screen virtual keyboard.  Most were already used to a physical keypad. This is especially true for Blackberry users.  While many iPhone users have trained their thumbs to accept the virtual keyboard, there are still some that need the real thing.

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JJ Crass

Orb BR: One Disc to Rule them All

No wires, no hardware, no problem! Orb has been successful at making it easier to connect your home electronics to each other for a few years. The company boasts Orb TV, which allows you to watch online programming on your TV instead of your computer screen. With Orb Music, the Orb device connects all of

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e3 2011 ffxiii 2
E3 News
Raul Valle

[E3 2011] Final Fantasy XIII-2 Hands-On First Impressions

It’s not much of a stretch to say Final Fantasy XIII was quite controversial among both the gaming community and Final Fantasy fans in general. However, having been a fan of FFXIII, I can honestly say that I was eager to see what Square Enix had in store for Final Fantasy XIII-2. And, after getting

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[E3 2011] Battlefield 3: Thunder Run Gameplay Video

We are still a long way from the October release of the much anticipated Battlefield 3; but with E3 here, EA and executive producer Patrick Bach has been kind enough to demo BF3’s new gameplay at this year’s EA press conference. The mission shown is called “Thunder Run” and follows Marine Sgt. Miller and a group of Marines as they

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e3 2011 konamiVIP
E3 News
Raul Valle

[E3 2011] Konami Pre-E3 Event Coverage Part I: The Press Conference

With E3 right around the corner, it’s no surprise we’re seeing new announcements from different game companies.  In particular, Konami saw fit to hold their first annual pre-E3 event at the Sony Pictures Studio yesterday to showcase a few downloadable titles in the works and to make a few announcements.  Having been invited, yours truly

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mouseguardweb banner
Comic Books
Daryck Caldemeyer

Review: Mouse Guard Fall 1152

I found Mouse Guard on a whim when I was out with a friend at a local manga store. (I think he was looking for Gurren Lagann items and I was pretending to be as excited as he was about it). It was an oddly shaped book, shorter and wider than the rest, unusually for

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