Category: Reviews

pop sot
Andrew Plein

Review: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time HD – PS3

The Sands of Time is one of those titles that truly helped set the standard for the games of today. While I owned the original back on the Gamecube, I was excited to hear about the HD counterpart that was debuting on the PSN. So how has the game aged? How does it look compared

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Poker with Bob
Jess Brohard

Review: Poker with Bob [iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad]

Poker with Bob is an app that is available on iTunes for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad for $.99. Story Poker with Bob is the riveting tale of Bob, a man with no legs and a chin too big for his face. Resigned to a life of solitude, his only solace comes from the

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Raul Valle

Twisted Pixel’s The Gunstringer

Despite being hard at work on the upcoming Ms. ‘Splosion Man, it seems Twisted Pixel has also been developing a new original title for the Kinect: The Gunstringer. Announced early February, The Gunstringer tells the tale of an undead cowboy rising from his grave to take revenge on his former posse after they betrayed and

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Bulletstorm kick
JJ Crass


The controversial new first person shooter, Bulletstorm aims to not only offend you but your whole family. Will its new style of “kill with skill” really be a game changer or is it all bark and no bite?

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TapCity: A New Way to Explore (and Conquer) Your Own City

TapCity is telling the popular mobile app Four Square, “we love what you do, but we can do it better.”  The newest city-exploring app is bringing a whole new dimension to the way you adventure (while you essentially play Monopoly with places you actually visit). TapCity is slated to be released in the App store

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Raul Valle

[Preview] The 3rd Birthday – English Trailer

With only a month left until The 3rd Birthday, the latest installment of the Parasite Eve series, hits US shores, Square Enix has decided to treat us to a new trailer to get us pumped up for the US release.  It’s been about 11 years since the last game was released, and, all I can say is,

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Crysis 2 Story Trailer

Electronic Arts and Crytek recently released a new trailer giving us a bit more detail on the story behind Crysis 2. Electronic Arts and Crytek explain that “Crysis 2 picks up the events of the original game and unravels a vast conspiracy against the backdrop of apocalyptic war.  Prophet must master the powers of the

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Nelson Abalos

[Gadget Review] Scosche MotorMouth II

In my opinion, geeks do not need to wear a Bluetooth headset. A geek’s main communication tool is a computer or a laptop. The only time a geek would need to use a phone would be walking around or in the car. But in a geek’s everyday life, or at least mine, if I’m walking

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