Category: Reviews

Review: Solo: A Star Wars Story

As a kid I would often think of what it would be like to have more than the three original Star Wars movies. And as I grew older Hollywood finally caught up with my generation’s imagination: by making more Star Wars films. Now, it could be argued less is more, but overall as a fan

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Comic Books

Review – Skyward issue 1 and 2

I’m really enjoying Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett’s Skyward (the second issue just hit stores today), partly because of the art, partly because of the sassy dialogue, but mostly because it’s one of my favorite recipes for sci-fi stories: take a near future setting, add in one great big technological change, and mix with details

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Review: Revenant Gun (Machineries of Empire Book Three)

Kujen laughed softly. “Look at my shadow and tell me what you see.” Jedao had taken it for an ordinary shadow. As he examined it more closely, though, he saw that it was made of the shapes of fluttering captive moths. The longer he stared at it, the more he saw the darkness giving way

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Guest Writer

Review – Deadpool 2

By guest columnist narrator26 Upgrading to summer blockbuster status following its record-shattering 2016 debut, Deadpool 2 provides another filthy spin on the overpopulated superhero genre. But without the element of surprise, it was always going to run the risk of falling short and turning a promising franchise stale at only the second hurdle.

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Comic Books

Review – Dark Days: The Road to Metal

I’ve been hearing for months that I missed out by not reading DC’s Dark Nights: Metal, which means I get to play catchup. The first volume, in comic shops today and everywhere next week, is the official jumping on point for the saga, so I’m jumping on. See below for a review of Dark Days: the

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Review: And Then There Were (N-One)

The title plays off of a decades-old murder mystery by Agatha Christie, but this Hugo-nominated novella is something quite new. Sarah Pinsker (yes, the main character has the same name as the author. It doesn’t really play into the story as much as you’d think) has been invited to attend a convention. Specifically, an alternate-universe

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Guest Writer

Review – Deep Blue Sea 2, Hurricane Heist, and Peter Rabbit

Since we’ve got a little breathing space between Infinity War and…everything else that’s coming out this year, let’s take a look at three movies that flew in under the radar. Guest writer thenoshitmoviecritic reviews Deep Blue Sea 2, Hurricane Heist, and Peter Rabbit.

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Review: 2018 Hugo Award Finalists – The Short Stories

I adore short stories; it’s my favorite medium. A really good short story can convey an entire world and the backstory of the characters in the shortest amount of space, and make you care about all of it. This year’s Hugo Nominees are all excellent examples, while being as different from each other as possible. Click

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