Category: Reviews

Review: Space Opera

The Rare Earth Hypothesis means well, but it’s colossally, spectacularly, gloriously wrong. In one afternoon not too far off from today, every one of the seven billion people on planet Earth is  visited by a representative from an alien race bearing a message for humanity: Prepare to be destroyed. OR…prove that you’re sentient. Convince us

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Review: Avengers: Infinity War SPOILER-FREE

Ever since I was a little kid reading comic books I had a fantasy of a day where there would be giant comic book movies where my heroes would save the earth on a grand scale and everyone would be into it. Strangely, over time, that small fantasy become a reality. I never thought when

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Comic Books

Marvel Trades Review – Jessica Jones Volume 3, Legion Son of X Volume 3, Iceman Volume 2, and Spirits of Vengeance: War at the Gates of Hell

Once again I’ve got a random collection of Marvel graphic novels (some new, some legacy titles) and, rather than doing the smart thing and read all the previous issues, I’m jumping into the middle to see how well that works.  The result? It works pretty well. Read on for reviews of Jessica Jones Volume 3:

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Review: I Feel Pretty

Amy Schumer has made a pretty solid career being the “real woman” who has to deal with all the real things we “normals” do, because she doesn’t fit the standard actress mold. In her new comedy, I Feel Pretty, a regular girl suddenly sees her self-worth after an injury, thus everything she’s every wanted comes

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Review: Final Portrait

Famed artist Alberto Giacometti was a very influential sculptor and painter during the 1950s and 60s. His work is influenced by artistic styles such as Cubism and Surrealism. Stanley Tucci’s newest film, Final Portrait, takes a small look at a time in the artist’s life when he was struggling to continue his art while dealing

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #17

So between last issue and this issue we found out that the Unicron event this summer will be the end of Lost Light, along with every other Transformers storyline at IDW. Transformers will continue, IDW still has the license, but all the current stories will wrap up and there will be a full reboot and I’M

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Review: The Night Dahlia

R.S. Belcher returns to his popular urban fantasy world with The Night Dahlia, the latest adventure of peerless (and reckless) modern-day wizard, Laytham Ballard. Remember how the book Nightwise ended with Laytham having bartered three years of his life to the Devil? It’s a few years later and things have gotten, if possible, even worse. The former member

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Review: Rampage

Rampage is the newest creature feature to hit theaters. Loosely based on the video game of the same name, the movie stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who teams up with a giant albino gorilla that turns into a raging monster of enormous size following rogue science experiments. It’s a fun popcorn flick with not much

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Review: Stone Mad – A Karen Memory Adventure

Elizabeth Bear returned this March to the main character from Karen Memory with a brand new novella. Click the jump to learn about a story of spiritualists, mad science, a misplaced mine goblin, and a little of what happens after “and they lived happily ever after.”

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