Review – Fate of the Furious: Fast and Furious 8
By guest columnist k.e.n.n.y.h. …it’s all about family…well ok it’s supposed to be about cool cars…but also huge explosions…and over the top action sequences. But yeah, there’s family too…
By guest columnist k.e.n.n.y.h. …it’s all about family…well ok it’s supposed to be about cool cars…but also huge explosions…and over the top action sequences. But yeah, there’s family too…
By guest columnist c.dyer_movies. When the first few shells hit the ground in Free Fire, you know right away you’re in for a treat of great proportions. Who knew action films this contained could be so fresh and fun?
I know all of you Cloak and Dagger fans have been waiting for this one! Or maybe not. Anyway, here it is. If you are a fan of the series drop us a line and let us know what you are excited about or if are you worried how some things in the comics will
This is not a drill!!! 20th Century Fox just released the first teaser for Kingsman: The Golden Circle. It’s only 15 seconds, but it shows so many clues as to how bad ass this movie is going to be. Please watch it below. If anyone is looking for me I will be watching it on
By guest columnist thenoshitmoviecritic. The bulk of this film (originally titled 478) is based on a real-life mid-air collision between a Tu-154 passenger jet and a Boeing 747 cargo jet over Germany in 2002. Some elements of the story have been amplified for entertainment purposes, for example the location, the death toll, the sentencing, and
Contains spoilers I went to the movie without any prior knowledge of any written version or movie versions of this. I will be honest, I went because of Scarlett Johannsson. I did see the movie in 3D/IMAX, but I am not sure that I would spend the extra money to see it in that format
By guest columnist k.e.n.n.y.h. “…this is a bad idea right?” “The worst.” Surprisingly not really – that’s right. Power Rangers are back for all you kiddies from the nineties (and everyone else who’s wondering what the hell all of this is.) Welcome to the re-imagining of the original American knock-off of Japanese Super Sentai (has no
So, when I was a kid I always wanted to be an astronaut. Even though I was great at math and science I was lazy, so here I am just writing about a space movie. When I saw the preview for Life I just knew I had to see it. Now that I’ve seen this movie
By guest columnist my_year_in_movies. Beauty and the Beast had a near impossible job on its hand: How do you remake arguably the most beloved animated movie of all time? Take the easy route and not change a thing and the critics will ask what the point is (hell, some grumps are gonna ask that no