Here’s the last of my pics from Patches and Pins Expo 2019, which was held in Orange County! Enjoy!
Here’s the last of my pics from Patches and Pins Expo 2019, which was held in Orange County! Enjoy!
I wanted to dance around the plot points in this issue to avoid spoilers, but I couldn’t pull it off; the whole issue is a prequel that retcons a classic plot point, if I don’t talk about the plot the review boils down to “interesting idea? I liked the art.” So, fair warning, ALL the
On Saturday Aug 17 2019, I ventured up to Santa Ana, Orange County to check out the Patches and Pins Expo. This free event was all outside but the hot sunny weather did not stop the crowds from venturing up and down 4th Street Market, looking at all the vendors had to offer. I had
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! This week we’ve got a quick recap of the Start With This Podcast episode “Towards A Poor Podcast.” No, it’s not “poor” as in “bad,” it’s “poor” as in “broke.” It’s about creating fiction on a budget, basically; writing what you
You can also listen to this episode on our Spookeasy channel at Anchor.fm! This week the guys discuss all about the Friday the 13th series. Their favorites, likes, dislikes and what they think a new Friday the 13th would be like. Just another night in the Spookeasy. Please download and subscribe.
Someone had to bring back the rains, and apparently it was going to have to be him. All towns have a little magic somewhere, but the luckiest ones have their own mage. A mage is handy to have around to deal with small problems like poison ivy, or gremlins in the mill. It’s been years
I saw a lot from last from Saturday, August 3 at EVO 2019. Check out my last gallery from the show floor !Enjoy!
More photos from Saturday, August 3 at EVO 2019. This gallery has more pics from artist alley, cosplay, & some merch from the show floor. Enjoy!
This past weekend, I had a blast at The Evolution Fighting Championship Series 2019, EVO 2019. The event took place Aug 2nd – 4th 2019. Spectators and competitors alike flocked to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada to watch and compete in the largest fighting game tournament in America. I was there