Review – Aquaman #29
Three teams of heroes come closer to meeting in the middle, and it’s all setting the stage for the next landmark issue. Keep reading for a review of Aquaman #29.
Three teams of heroes come closer to meeting in the middle, and it’s all setting the stage for the next landmark issue. Keep reading for a review of Aquaman #29.
I’ve spent months wanting to punch Getaway and all his stupid mutineers in the mouth: Autobots just don’t turn on Autobots, not to this scale they don’t. I was surprised at how betrayed I felt by the whole thing. Having read this issue, I have some insight. And I’m still completely baffled. And I still
Jada here, Marvel just dropped a new Black Panther trailer and I am sqeeeeeeeeing all over the place! Good Lord at the attractive men! Check it out here.
Contains Spoilers. Contains curse words. Contains me talking about love is love. I am not telling the whole setup of the movie, but will discuss certain scenes. The movie started and five minutes in I was in love with Elizabeth Marston, played by Rebecca Hall. She is a feminist. She is out of this world
You can listen to this episode on our Spookeasy channel at! This week Leland and horror buddy Mike sit down and go over all the things they love about the Friday the 13th franchise: Their favorite kills, movies, Jason looks, etc. It’s a Jason Voorhees love fest. So if you love Friday the 13th
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at! After hurricanes and cross country trips we managed to catch up in one fell swoop by recapping Welcome To Night Vale episodes 114 AND 115, and still managed to fit in thoughts on Wonder Woman, Blade Runner, Mad Max, Train To
Last night, in Hollywood, stars Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett and Mark Ruffalo were joined by director Taika Waititi and producer Kevin Feige for a walk down the red carpet where they greeted enthusiastic fans at the world premiere of Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Ragnarok.” Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Ragnarok” opens in U.S. theaters November 3.
The month of scary-book reviews continues! I’ve made it part of the tradition to always include at least one piece of classic horror literature in my October review schedule: Frankenstein, Dracula, etc. Last year I reviewed The War of the Worlds, so it wasn’t a big leap to review the 1897 story by H.G. Wells, The
He doesn’t have any skeletons in the closet because he’s an animated corpse with a drinking problem and very literal worms in the head and everyone knows it. He’s a perfect candidate for our times! See below for preview pages and a review of Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse: Mr. Wormwood Goes To Washington #1.