Sherlock Season 4: Speculations based upon SDCC 2016 Hall H Panel
My theories and speculations are based on the Sherlock SDCC 2016 Hall H panel, the interwebs and my crazy head of thoughts of what I think should happen.
My theories and speculations are based on the Sherlock SDCC 2016 Hall H panel, the interwebs and my crazy head of thoughts of what I think should happen.
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at! The Binary System Podcast team would like to clarify that we’re enjoying the “Within The Wires” podcast, and that we really really like the Transformers. Really, we’re great big fans. Please keep that in mind when we spend more than twenty
You can listen to this episode on our Lost In Sci-Fi channel at! This week the crew continues the conversation of the fun that was had at Comic Con 2016. This week they talk Hall H, all sorts of toys/collectables, and just how many Harleys vs Reys there were. So please download and enjoy.
…the other was a torso, jutted from the bicycle itself, its moving prow, a figurehead where handlebars should be. She was extruded from the metal. She pushed her arms backward and they curled at the ends like coral. She stretched her neck and widened her eyes. Thibault swallowed and tried to speak, and tried again,
I wanted to do a quick review of Ruth Ware’s mystery novel partly because they were handing out free copies at San Diego Comic-Con and I want to encourage that kind of thing (seriously, getting a preview pamphlet is fun, but for a book nerd getting handed a whole free book is like winning a
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at! This week’s episode of Welcome to Night Vale was so wonderfully weird, such a jewel of strangeness, we’re just going to dance around the details in the recap because we really really want you to listen to it yourself. Instead we
It’s nice to be reading DC Comics again, and with Rebirth in full swing there have been plenty of choice titles to choose from. After watching the Suicide Squad movie my interest is peaked for some sub characters, in particular Deadshot, Katana, Rick Flag, and let’s not forget, Enchantress.
You can listen to this episode on our Lost In Sci-Fi channel at! This week the crew goes over all the fun stuff they did and saw at Comic-Con 2016! We talk about the new Star Trek, who won the Hall H war of trailers: DC or Marvel, and we all break down some
Supergirl turns to the shadowy organization known as the D.E.O. (Department of Extranormal Operations) to restore her lost powers once and for all! But as a fateful experiment sends Kara Zor-El rocketing toward the sun, disaster strikes at home in the form of the lost Kryptonian werewolf Lar-On! As someone who’s neither watched the current