Unboxing Video: Loot Crate “DYSTOPIA”
Curious to see what lies in June’s Loot Crate, “DYSTOPIA”? Click the jump for the video!! Happy Looting!
Curious to see what lies in June’s Loot Crate, “DYSTOPIA”? Click the jump for the video!! Happy Looting!
It’s been three years since Peter S. Beagle released a short story or essay, and longer than that since his last novel. That’s a long dry spell, especially for someone who’s writing was such a big part of my childhood. Fortunately Beagle’s latest novel, Summerlong, is due out this September, and it’s absolutely worth the wait. Retired
Eeeeverybody’s almost at their breaking point in this issue, so it’s no surprise that this falls into the lead up to September’s “Revolution” event. After the jump we’ve got the preview pages and spoiler-free review for IDW’s Till All Are One #2.
With the current political climate of Democrats and Republicans at each other’s throats and mass-shootings happening so often people barely seem shocked anymore, it should come as no surprise that a third Purge movie comes during an election year. Especially this election year, which feels like a precursor to an actual Purge. So give it up for the “life imitates
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! No recap this week because…well, because excuses, but Night Vale is on hiatus and Time Warner’s dropping half of North Carolina into an internet black hole and California is still (last time we checked) three hours behind the East Coast, so
You can listen to this episode on our Lost In Sci-Fi channel at Anchor.fm! This week the team talks about AI that becomes self-aware, especially in the Blade Runner film. We talk about they hows and why within the film and how Ridley Scott visuals are still so amazing. We also talk some Disney AI,
Dark Souls 3 is the unforgiving final chapter in the acclaimed Souls series. Designed for new comers and veterans alike, Dark Souls 3 combines the fast paced action of Bloodborne with the plotting, methodical game play that Dark Souls is known for. After only playing Bloodborne, the sister series of the Souls games, I more or
Elizabeth over at Binary System Podcast has been trying to get me to read the latest Doctor Strange series almost since it first came out last October. I finally ran out of excuses when I stumbled over the gorgeous hardback graphic novel Doctor Strange – The Way of the Weird, collecting the first five issues of the
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! The chaos in Night Vale comes to a crashing finale as the whole town joins in the battle. In the end, what happened? We can’t tell you. Seriously. We have no idea. Lots of opinions though. After the recap we were