Tag: DC

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Comic Issues
Andrew Plein

Comic Issues – Special Edition: Green Lantern Movie

You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! Our heroes put on their Rings for a very special edition of Comic Issues as they do battle with the latest live action Green Lantern movie. Tonight, this Corps is joined by a very special Lantern and Writer: Kristal Plein! Check out

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Comic Books
Anthony Silva

DC Adds Teen Heroes and the Supernatural to Reboot Line-up

Since May 31, the entire comic world has been talking about one thing: DC’s new line up. Many of DC’s heavy hitting lead books have been announced already, like Batman, Justice League, and Green Lantern, but with the absence of Superman’s books (and many of the supporting ensemble books still to be revealed), there is

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Comic Issues
Andrew Plein

Comic Issues #20 – Talking You off the Ledge

You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! This week on Comic Issues, our heroes attempt to talk you “off the ledge” as we go through all the updates with the new DC Universe. Luckily the team is joined with Leland Pierce, our newest writer to the Comic Issues family.

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Comic Issues: Green Lantern Review

Despite lackluster romantic chemistry and self-depreciating special effects, an attractive cast, excellent writing, and just the right amount of cheese shines together in time to save Green Lantern from it’s greatest fear: bombing the box-office. The film is a refreshing change from the usual cynicism of contemporary film, a rarely enjoyable experience due uniquely to

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Green Lantern Movie – Fans’ Reactions

After attending a very special screening of the Green Lantern movie in 3D, our heroes grabbed their rings and made their way to talk with the fans. If that wasn’t enough fun, we had a chance encounter with some DC Artists, including Jeff Martinez, who gave me my Green Lantern Ring at AnimeConji. We also

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Comic Books
Anthony Silva

DC adds Bat-Books and GL to Rebooted Titles

Since DC’s huge announcement of the rebooting of 52 of its books, eleven books have been released. However, as we all know, the hunger of comic readers around the world cannot be satisfied with such a small offering! As of June 6, DC has announced fifteen additional titles that will be released in the month

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Comic Issues
Andrew Plein

Comic Issues #18 – DC Not so Reboot

You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! Hey gang, it’s Wednesday which means another episode of Comic Issues. This week our heroes travel to the Hall of Justice (*insert SFX here) As we breakdown the latest news from DC concerning the now so Reboot.

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Comic Books
Anthony Silva

DC announces Universe Reboot and same day digital delivery

In what will probably be the biggest comic book news this year, DC Comics announced today (via USA Today article) that beginning August 31st over 50 of their biggest titles will be renumbered back to #1. Although renumbering a title isn’t new, or even that uncommon, each title will also be getting a fresh reboot. 

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TV & Movies
Anthony Silva

The New and Improved Wonder Woman Costume

The internet has spoken and it looks like NBC was listening. Earlier today new pictures of Adrianne Palicki in action as Wonder Woman emerged. The Costume seems to be an altered from the original one we saw almost 2 weeks ago (See photo’s below). It looks as if NBC has taken a couple hints from

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