DC TO HOST BATMAN BIRTHDAY BASH AT WONDERCON 2019 A Star-Studded Lineup of Bat-Guests Will Join Fans In Honoring the Dark Knight’s 80th Anniversary at Special Birthday Panel Event on March 30
DC TO HOST BATMAN BIRTHDAY BASH AT WONDERCON 2019 A Star-Studded Lineup of Bat-Guests Will Join Fans In Honoring the Dark Knight’s 80th Anniversary at Special Birthday Panel Event on March 30
You can also listen to this episode on our Lost In Sci-Fi channel at Anchor.fm! More comic talk with Elizabeth and Leland. They finish up their conversation about new comics you should be reading: hitting DC comics, Image and some Marvel. Huzzah! Please download and enjoy!
Speaking as a twin, people sure loved to shout “WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE” in my general direction when I was growing up. In spite of that, Kathryn and I always liked the Wonder Twins: Super Friends was a pretty silly show (we knew that even in the 80s) but Jayna and Zan were cool, and
One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to keep on top of my comic book reading (I know I know, it should be “eat more vegetables” and “take that Javascript class” but I like resolutions I know I’ll keep) so this week I’m doubling up: see below for a review of Catwoman #7 and The
As many readers and listeners know I manage a comic book store. So, I read a lot of comics throughout the year. And most are pretty darn good, but sometimes I come across a comic series that is so good I have to talk about it. Here are 10 great comics from this past year
You knew he was too interesting for just one crossover event… This week DC brings back the big bad from Dark Nights Metal. Keep reading for a review of The Batman Who Laughs #1.
His hands were red long before yours. Keep reading for a review of The Dreaming #4.
Just a quick word here to say look look Francis Manapul! I’ve been wanting to jump in on Justice League for a while, and not only do we have a new arc spinning up but it’s drawn by one of my favorite DC artists! I’m totally in. See below a review of this week’s Justice
There’s enough interesting stuff coming out of DC lately, I figured I’d better double up. Read on for a review of Pearl #2 and Batman: Damned #1.