Review – Transformers #14 (2019)
“Perhaps my megacycles of experience and contacts may help. That, and not shouting at them.” “I did not shout at them.” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #14 (2019).
“Perhaps my megacycles of experience and contacts may help. That, and not shouting at them.” “I did not shout at them.” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #14 (2019).
…you will never be brought home. You will never be celebrated. You will live out the rest of your existence in squalor and half-function because of fear. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #2.
“Told you not to go solo! Told you!” “I’m a total convert to the wisdom of that idea. Call in everyone.“ Keep reading for a review of Transformers #13 (2019).
Next week, IDW Publishing will continue to celebrate its 20th anniversary at New York Comic-Con with a stellar lineup of creators, panels, and convention exclusives, featuring a rare appearance by comics legend John Byrne!
And just like that, we became something so much bigger than ourselves. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #1.
“Well he is the head of intelligence, and he’s generally considered quite clever.” “I generally consider most Cybertronians incapable of distinguishing amoral self-interest from cleverness. …oh, don’t look at me like that…” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #12 (2019).
Nice to see our head of intelligence didn’t misplace his charm amongst the stars. I’d so miss his wit. Keep reading for a review of Transformers #11 (2019).
I wanted to dance around the plot points in this issue to avoid spoilers, but I couldn’t pull it off; the whole issue is a prequel that retcons a classic plot point, if I don’t talk about the plot the review boils down to “interesting idea? I liked the art.” So, fair warning, ALL the
“But I know it’s not easy, or simple. I’m not sure anything is, now.” “You have no idea.” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #10 (2019).