Bluesday Review: X-Men First Class
Class is in session when Charles Xavier and his young mutants hit Blu-ray and DVD, but will they pass the test or will they flunk this exam?
Class is in session when Charles Xavier and his young mutants hit Blu-ray and DVD, but will they pass the test or will they flunk this exam?
You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! X-Men: First Class may of been out for a couple weeks already but that couldn’t stop our newest writer and I from getting together and gushing over James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender’s performances as Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr. X-Men: First Class
You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! It’s another Wednesday, which means time for another exciting episode of Comic Issues. This week, our heroes stand up for the Independents. Talk some Kevin Bacon. Then go back to school with X-men First Class. Also be sure to stay tuned for
Welcome back my dear comic book lovers! I’m back again to bring you my review in last week’s new comic releases. My stack was a little light this week so I took the opportunity to try out some new books that had caught my eye. iZombie and Sweet Tooth started new story arcs last week
Recently, I had the pleasure of seeing an advanced screening of the Marvel Comics latest hero-turned Hollywood movie, Thor. In following the successful Iron Man franchise, and the soon to be released Captain America and Avengers movie, Marvel seems to be getting their continuity together for a very good set of films, which is a
You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! This week on Comic Issues it’s HAMMER TIME!!! After hosting the wildly fun Thor @ 4 event at Edwards Mira Mesa, you the fans joined us for a recording dedicated to the Thunder God himself. Take a ride on the rainbow road
Greetings True Believers! The upcoming Thor movie is nearly upon us and we want to celebrate the Thunder God’s arrival with all of our Comic Issues listeners. This upcoming Saturday (May 7th) Comic Issues will be having a Thor Meet Up and we’re encouraging every listener who can make it. To attend and watch what
I have returned from Wizard World Anaheim and I am charged up! It was an amazing event with all the love of comics reminiscent of the older conventions from the late 90’s. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our photo gallery full of cosplay goodness and keep your eyes on Comic Issues for
Just this past Monday Marvel revealed a new costume for the incredibly popular Ultimate Spider-Man, but what may be even more controversial is that it won’t be the loveable Peter Parker under the mask! Coming out of the “Death of Spider-Man” event that is being played out in both Ult. Spider-Man and Ult. Comics Avengers