Review – Transformers #15 (2019)
“I told you to keep your maniacs under control.” “…you’ll know it if I have to let the real maniacs out. Bots like Triggerhappy get noticed.“ Keep reading for a review of Transformers #15 (2019).
“I told you to keep your maniacs under control.” “…you’ll know it if I have to let the real maniacs out. Bots like Triggerhappy get noticed.“ Keep reading for a review of Transformers #15 (2019).
…the gestalt’s diagnostic scans, the history, Hook being Hook – all signs pointed to failure. Catastrophe and failure. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #3.
“Perhaps my megacycles of experience and contacts may help. That, and not shouting at them.” “I did not shout at them.” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #14 (2019).
…you will never be brought home. You will never be celebrated. You will live out the rest of your existence in squalor and half-function because of fear. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #2.
“Told you not to go solo! Told you!” “I’m a total convert to the wisdom of that idea. Call in everyone.“ Keep reading for a review of Transformers #13 (2019).
With half of Binary System on the road last week, we decided to make this week’s “episode” a FanArt post, filled with random images of everything we’re currently watching or reading or obsessed with.
And just like that, we became something so much bigger than ourselves. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #1.
“Well he is the head of intelligence, and he’s generally considered quite clever.” “I generally consider most Cybertronians incapable of distinguishing amoral self-interest from cleverness. …oh, don’t look at me like that…” Keep reading for a review of Transformers #12 (2019).
Nice to see our head of intelligence didn’t misplace his charm amongst the stars. I’d so miss his wit. Keep reading for a review of Transformers #11 (2019).