WCG Holiday Heroes III

WCG Holiday Heroes III

This weekend, December 11-12 in New York City, World Cyber Games (WCG) kicked off its third annual Holiday Heroes tournament, focusing on Halo: Reach. Teams had to meet at 9AM for check-in at the Samsung Experience and, soon after, the gaming had begun. There were about twelve teams, and each faced a double elimination. When a…

Spare Change: A Dream within a Dream within a Dream on Blu-Ray [Inception]

Spare Change: A Dream within a Dream within a Dream on Blu-Ray [Inception]

Does the Inception-labyrinth of a plot get less confusing on blu-ray?…nope. But it looks damn good and sounds fantastic! When Inception first came out, I knew little about it; all I knew, in fact, about a new Christopher Nolan original film. My friends dragged me to the midnight premiere. Twenty minutes in, I knew blu-ray was…