Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III – Coming December 19

Robot Chicken returns to that galaxy far, far away for a third time in the latest Star Wars-themed special. “Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III” premieres December 19 on Adult Swim.

I was able to watch a review copy, and I must say this one is the best yet.  I enjoyed the previous two, but the latest one follows a story (albeit a bit convoluted, but a story nonetheless).   There were even a few moments that I actually laughed out loud.

Whats really cool is that they were able to bring back Billy Dee Williams and Ahmed Best, of course reprising their roles of Lando Calrissian and JarJar Binks, along with newcomers Zac Efron as Anakin, and Mike Henry (“The Cleveland Show”) to the fray.

“We tell more of a linear story this time that covers the series from start to finish,” says Seth Green.  Matthew Senreich says, “We wanted to take the Star Wars universe and see if through the eyes of our Robot Chicken:  Star Wars Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Gary the Stormtrooper.  We still flip around the universe but we get a unique perspective from the bad guy side, from people who just want to rule the universe.”

You can check out some quick promo’s below: