Guest reviewer The Nerd Review has a look at tick, tick…BOOM, nominated for two Oscars!
I’m not a huge musical person. I haven’t seen that many, and I don’t really go out of my way for them. However, I loved this movie.
Based on the off-broadway show of the same name, the movie follows the story of Johnathan Larson, writer of tick, tick… BOOM! (the musical), and Rent, as he struggles to make his way in the world of musical theatre.
Andrew Garfield’s performance as Larson in this movie is phenomenal. He’s charismatic, fun, and makes the struggles the movie presents feel real.
The supporting characters in John’s life, such as his best friend Michael, or his girlfriend Susan, bring depth to the table, and actually feel like real people (like they’re supposed to).
The tension/drama is for the most part well done, my only problem was the pacing. Some emotional moments would lose their impact due to how short lived they were. Others were great, specifically John’s struggles with his girlfriend Susan.
Now onto the big part of the movie, the music. The soundtrack is great. There was only about one song I didn’t really enjoy, but the rest were amazing. 30/90, Therapy, Why, and Louder Than Words were my favorites. The songs convey the tone of scenes masterfully and generally didn’t take away from the movie’s impact.
Overall, tick, tick… BOOM! Was an interesting, fun, and emotional movie that made me look more into the movies of Johnathan Larson. I would definitely recommend giving it a watch.
Soundtrack- 9/10
Pacing- 8/10
Storytelling- 10/10
Overall- 9/10
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