Custom Button Mapping Petition to be at PAX East

You may or may not be aware of a custom button mapping petition that has been started by Chuck, a.k.a. AskACapper.  Chuck is quadriplegic but loves to play video games.  While some games allow for some limited, pre-set button mapping, very rarely does a game give you complete control over what function a button does.  Chuck would like to see that happen, and so do I.  What will it take for game developers to adopt button remapping though?

Chuck will be at PAX East 2011 with his petition for people to sign.  If you’re going, try to find him to sign the petition, or else you can sign the online petition.  Signed petitions tend to get noticed more though.  To find out more, watch this video:


What do you think?  Why aren’t developers already doing this?  What problems could you see arise from allowing custom button remapping?