Author Posts

Jess Brohard

Jess is Pixelated Geek’s community manager. Before that, she was a Frag Doll Cadette, a PAX East 2011 Omeganaut, a Destructoid forums meme, and a Rashida Jones look-a-like. Check her out on Twitter or on her YouTube Channel.

Nintendo to Unveil Powerful HD Console at E3

Well, like the title says – Nintendo is finally moving into the HD era! Supposedly. GameInformer broke the news this morning that Nintendo has been working on a new, powerful console set to launch in 2012. And when I say “powerful,” I mean more powerful than both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, according

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Cisco Discontinues Flip Cameras

Remember those handy little pocket-sized, one-handed Flip brand video cameras? They could record in HD, were super easy to use (heck, my mom has one!), and were way more portable than a regular camcorder. Oh, they’re still around? Not anymore. Cisco, the corporation that owns the Flip brand name, has decided to discontinue the line,

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anime expo2
Jess Brohard

Anime Expo’s Charity Auction to Benefit Japanese Disaster Relief

Each year, tens of thousands of anime fans gather in Los Angeles for Anime Expo (AX), America’s largest anime convention. This year, it is held July 1 -4. And, each year, the convention staff holds an auction, in which attendees can bid on items donated by sponsors and industry professionals. All proceeds go to a

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TV & Movies
Jess Brohard

Pixar Announces Its Thirteenth Movie: Brave

I don’t know about you guys, but Pixar movies always give me a huge nerdgasm. Heck, make that animated movies in general. Something about the classic fairytale storyline coupled with the gorgeous 3D rendering just gets me every time. So as a Pixar nerd and part-time feminist, I was especially excited to hear that Pixar

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PAX East 2011 Post-Omegathon report

Well, PAX East 2011 came and went. There were laughs and tears and — OK, so there were no tears. It was PAX, after all. But there could have been tears, if I weren’t such a gracious loser. Besides, I had to keep my mascara intact all weekend seeing as the camera guy for the

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Indie Survival Horror Game ‘Candles’ Now Available

Like survival horror games? Like indie games? Can’t afford to drop $20 on Amnesia: The Dark Descent? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’re in the right place. A young artist named Lasse Nielsen has created and released Candles, a game that’s even indie-er, even cheaper, and…well, about the same amount of

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Poker with Bob
Jess Brohard

Review: Poker with Bob [iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad]

Poker with Bob is an app that is available on iTunes for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad for $.99. Story Poker with Bob is the riveting tale of Bob, a man with no legs and a chin too big for his face. Resigned to a life of solitude, his only solace comes from the

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