Review – Transformers: Galaxies #4
“I’m gonna enjoy tearing this city down.” The final issue of the Constructicons Rising arc is here. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #4.
“I’m gonna enjoy tearing this city down.” The final issue of the Constructicons Rising arc is here. Keep reading for a review of Transformers: Galaxies #4.
Reviewer Hugh Verheylewegen celebrated Valentine’s Day with a screening of Sonic the Hedgehog. Directed by Jeff Fowler in his theatrical debut, Sonic the Hedgehog follows the titular character living a lonely life on Earth after having been forced out from his home by people desperate for his powers. After getting noticed by the government and the
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! The 2020 Oscars have come and gone and Binary System has the complete recap! Well, mostly complete; Kathryn’s got the attention span of a magpie and kept leaving the room when she got bored. And Elizabeth still has the heebie jeebies
I’m doubling up on the review since we had two Transformers issues out this week: keep reading for a quick review of Transformers #17 and the Transformers Valentine’s Day Special.
For all of human existence, mankind has been dancing on the edge of eternity. We’ve courted the Grim Reaper – against our own interest, even – for the entire duration. Every year we come closer to finally tipping the balance and tumbling over that edge. It feels like the governments of Earth are in a
The 2000’s faltered heavily under a mass amount of half brain remakes and sequels for the horror genre, until Darren Aronofsky proved the genre didn’t have to be as straight forward as standard cliches with his psychological film, Black Swan. Ever since then, it feels as if new coming directors have taken great care with
Continuing our coverage of Oscar-nominated films, guest writer Kasia has a look at Ad Astra, nominated for Best Sound Mixing. Astronaut Roy McBride travels to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father and unravel a mystery that threatens the survival of our planet. His journey will uncover secrets that challenge
I’ll say right off the bat, I didn’t want to see this movie. It looked like a combination of a Rom Com and a drama about the destruction of a relationship and boy howdy I have no interest in either of those things. But it’s up for several Oscars, and a lot of people seemed
The movie opens with an establishing shot of a Gothic mansion in the woods, the dark and sprightly string music letting the audience know that this is an odd place with a lot of creepy energy. We follow the housekeeper as she carries a breakfast tray through a house that’s stuffed to the rafters with