If you didn’t already know Life is Strange 2 Episode is out!! Curious on the info from Square Enix … Click the jump!
If you didn’t already know Life is Strange 2 Episode is out!! Curious on the info from Square Enix … Click the jump!
Heading to New York Comic Con 2018? Make sure to check out the Square Enix booth #1805! Click the jump to find out all the activities going down!
We go the inside scoop from Reflector Entertainment about their new Entertainment Francise, Unknown 9, which will be unveiling at New York Comic Con 2018. Curious to see whats it about..? Click the jump and find out more !
The latest Destiny 2 expansion, Forsaken, breaks the monotony of the past by shaking things up on a weekly basis. Get the details after the jump.
DARK HORSE COMICS NYCC 2018 BOOTH #1636 Visit Dark Horse Comics at New York Comic Con to meet some of your favorite creators and get your hands on some free swag, such as comics, pins, posters, and more! Check out our signings and panels too! We’ll also have a variety of Dark Horse comics, graphic
(Massive great big spoilers below.) Kathryn I just finished reading Lost Light 24. AAAAAAAAAAAAA. Elizabeth RIGHT?? Kathryn HOW MANY DID WE LOSE? Elizabeth I DON’T KNOW!
You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at Anchor.fm! The Great Post-Vacation Catch-Up continues: this week we recap exactly one episode of Welcome To Night Vale. (It would’ve been two but we had to cut the listening short because…hang on, didn’t we do this the last time we recapped a
BOOTH #1636 – Dark Horse is proud to announce its selection of exclusive merchandise available at NYCC! We have two new gorgeous convention exclusive variant covers set to debut: The Umbrella Academy: Hotel Oblivion #1 and Stranger Things #1! Dark Horse will also reveal a new American Gods: Sweeney’s Coin Replica. Please note, there will
Ya’ll probably already know how much we love cosplay here at Pixelated Geek. Well this year, New York Comic Con’s Cosplay Central will be taking over the entire fourth floor River Pavilion at the Javits Center! For four days of cosplay and fun, you can attend panels hosted by stars of the cosplay world, or