Introducing Blizzard’s Newest Starcraft Medium – The X-Box Kinect

Blizzard is always looking for new and innovative ways to get their games out there (if you can hold out for years on end, that is).  Now the mostly computer-based developer has now announced they are taking Starcraft 2 beyond the PC/Mac realm and moving to…the X-Box Kinect!  Check out the trailer!


So if you haven’t figured it out already, this is the annual Blizzard April Fools Joke.  Some are disappointed that this video isn’t that believable but personally, I enjoyed that the video just made me laugh.  This is a day for humor and jokes, and I appreciate that Blizzard can poke fun at itself and the general clientele that are attracted to their games.  Not everything on April Fools should trick people into believing a false truth, but just merely allow ourselves to have some fun today and get a few laughs out of it.

Either way, I can’t wait to see what they will come up with for next year.  I find the video game developers and geeks have some of the best April Fools jokes!  Let’s keep that great tradition running.

[via Ripten]