Portal 2 DLC Coming This Summer

Having only been available for a week and a half, Valve confirmed today that a downloadable content pack for Portal 2 is already on its way and will be made available this coming summer.

Set to be released on all four platforms, this first DLC pack will include new test chambers, leaderboards, a challenge mode for both single player and cooperative modes, and more.  Having been a big fan of both Portal and Portal 2, I can’t describe how glad it makes me to see more content on the way.

Now, you may be thinking that it is a bit early for Valve to be announcing new game content for players to purchase, given that Portal 2 was just released less than two weeks ago.  However, therein lies the beauty.  Portal 2 DLC #1 will be available on all platforms at no extra charge.  That’s right; free.

While this may come as no surprise to PC users, who are used to being showered with free DLC from Valve, console gamers, primarily Xbox 360 owners have had to pay for extra Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 content due to Microsoft’s policies.  Regardless, it seems Valve has managed to find a way around this, which is great news for Xbox 360 users.

Also, while there is still no word on when the Portal 2 Software Development Kit will be made available for the modding community to sink their teeth in, the addition of new test chambers and challenge modes should appease Portal 2 owners that felt the game was too easy for their taste.

Might we see more information at E3 2011?  As usual, we’ll bring you more information on the new DLC pack as it becomes available.