Category: Comic Books

Review – I Hate Fairyland #17

When I Hate Fairyland #1 came out in 2015 I thought “Ha ha, that’s cute, a demented psychopath stuck in a child’s body wreaks havoc in Fairyland. This should be a good mini series.” Fast forward three years and another 16 issues and it’s still cute, still psychopathic, still beautiful. Packed with violence and gore

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Comic Books

Review – Transformers Lost Light #15

Remember how I said a couple weeks ago that I’d gotten spoiled and greedy because we had two Lost Light issues in a month and now I didn’t want to wait 30 days for the next issue? Well it’s been two weeks and we just got a new issue. So now I’m really spoiled and

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PORTLAND, OR, 02/23/2018 — The highly anticipated new story arc of Mark Millar and Ricardo Lopez Ortiz’s HIT-GIRL #1 is being rushed back to print in order to keep up with overwhelming customer demand.

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Comic Books

(Spoiler-free) Review – Robert Kirkman’s Oblivion Song #1 from Image Comics

Fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead may have been a little underwhelmed by the latest season (lots of telling, not enough showing) but Robert Kirkman’s fans certainly believe it’s the fault of the interpretation, not the source material. So die-hard fans and casual viewers alike should be happy with Kirkman’s newest series due out this

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #14

After only a two-week wait we got another issue of Lost Light! I should be grateful! I know! But now we have to wait another month to find out what happens after THIS issue!  (See, this is what happens when you spoil us. We get greedy.) See below for a spoiler-free review of Lost Light

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Review – Transformers Lost Light #13

“Now kneel, before I dispose of this disposable.” “I know you won’t believe me, but I was going to kneel anyway. Makes it easier to aim.” James Roberts and Alex Milne team up for an issue where we see what happens when the Lost Light crew is locked inside a small ship for way too

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Review and Preview: Strangers In Paradise XXV #1

Terry Moore returns to his wildly popular comic-book series with Strangers In Paradise XXV. Celebrating twenty-five years since the first issue of the original series was published, SIPXXV gives us an all-new story about Katrina Choovanski and Helen Francine Peters-Silver (Katchoo and Francine to their friends. And everyone else who knows what’s good for them), their attempts to

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Top Comics or Series of 2017

At the end of the year we always find ourselves at a loss: what were the best comics we read this year? Well good thing I’m here to give you some great suggestions to check out. These are the top comics that made me stop and think, “Damn. That was good.” These are worth looking

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