Anthem unveils Stargate – Iron Man lovechild villain with new trailer
Bioware made this trailer in a cave, out of spare parts!
Bioware made this trailer in a cave, out of spare parts!
You’re right, Solas, we DO have questions. So many of them!
By guest columnist Rich Kuhaupt. So, full disclosure, I am a massive Mass Effect fan. Since it was announced that there would, in fact, be a fourth installment of Bioware’s benchmark space RPG series, I became infocidal for any news, rumors or telepathically transmitted information about “don’t call itMass Effect 4.” Now that I’ve had
Some BioWare fans were suprised this morning to find a cryptic email and video in their inbox. Simply titled, “You’ve been chosen”, it linked to this interesting teaser trailer for what appears to be a new game from BioWare.
While fans of the series might have been hoping for more information, Bioware did allow at least a small taste of what they’ve got working for Mass Effect 4.
Bioware’s newly-released “Discover the Dragon Age” trailer may as well be a travel brochure for the world of Thedas in the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition. “Discover the Dragon Age” pans through grandiose, lushly-detailed landscapes, showing off various features of Bioware’s new Frostbite engine. Certainly Thedas looks like a nice place to vacation, if not for
After seventeen years at the helm of the company they founded, founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk announced their retirement from BioWare today. “This has been an incredibly difficult decision to make,” Muzyka said in his blog post; “after thinking about it for many months, I made the decision to retire from videogames back in
You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at Anchor.fm! With the Dark Knight being released this week our heroes and heroine RISE to the occasion. Today we discuss the much anticipated finale to the Nolan franchise. Then it’s onwards to space with the not-so-final ending of Mass Effect 3. We hit
A long time ago, in what feels like a galaxy far far away, rumors of a new Star Wars MMO began to circulate. The star systems of Star Wars Galaxies had all but been abandoned and the thought of another MMO would have been tedious and redundant. Soon to follow was the confirmation of the